tripmunky's random thoughts on an ongoing midlife crisis, love, peace and rock and roll.

Friday, February 17, 2012

It's 3:50 am

And I can't go back to sleep after my regular pregnant nap

Nemo likes the night, he/she is a regular mona lisa or mad hatter :) I love you Nemo
After an entire day of puking or thinking of puking, I am finally just...hungry. But food is just so disgusting. I hate and love food at the same time. I'm nuts

First few weeks I just felt I was on acid, and then bad trip from mushrooms, and now that dizzy feeling right before you go into the k-hole. I'm waiting to see what trip this pregnancy will give me next :) I'm pretty sure at the end of these 9 months it will totally be a huge dose of ecstasy, although I've never had that one before.

I just hope the entire second trim, which is coming soon, will just be a gentle little weed buzz. Geez I'm comparing pregnancy to drugs. It IS 3:50 am

Oh and I apparently have sticky blood that coagulates easily. Damn You Salazarrr!! I hope that doesn't mean little Nemo isn't getting food. Well I'm now on even more pills to help my weird sticky blood situation.

I'm just going to blog the rest of my pregnancy. Going through internet forums just freak me out, with all these PROBLEMS that pop up. Let's keep POSITIVE!!! Little Nemo is fine, wriggling inside (I can feel it! weird huh. K Hole.) and I pray everyday. All I need to do is be a good momma. And THAT I Can do. I will do. I promise Neems! Mommy loves you, Daddy loves you.

Speaking of Daddy, he is an absolute gem and a blessing these days. He sits around and waits for me to bark orders. I am writing this so I will not forget once he gets all annoying again. This song he sang made me cry yesterday. HORMONES!!! and I also cried during Twilight, when Edward left Bella. And when Cameron Mitchell quit the Glee Project. Real Cry, like I was REALLY hurt. HORMONES!!

Goodnight! We need to rest neems, I don't want another HEADACHE FEST tomorrow! Luv yah.

Monday, February 6, 2012

pregnancy blues

I am writing this so I will read this in 7 months or so and laugh out loud. Right now nothing is actually funny as I spend all day puking, thinking of puking or trying not to puke. The whole entire day. Then I'm up all night worrying how my baby is, if all is ok, if this or that is normal...just everyday scared pukey and afraid to hope. I try to fix the wedding to distract myself but that also makes me scared pukey and afraid to hope.

All this for my little Nemo though so it is ok! I will survive! :) I love you little Nemo, hang in there for mommy and I will see you in a few months. Mommy loves you, Daddy loves you <3

Monday, January 23, 2012

my beautiful little nemo

i know you are here.
i can feel you.
i loved you from the beginning of time itself.
and i will love you forever.
mommy loves you.
daddy loves you.
we promised we will give you a better body this time
and mommy is trying very very hard.
I'll see you soon my baby.


it's another year. and guess what?
my little peanut came back :) well, at least I HOPE he did.

I'm sitting/lying here on my sofa, on bedrest for another week with a protruding tummy and whole day nausea. It's glorious. I love it. and I pray every night that this time God will deem me worthy of the awesome miracle of life <3 please Jesus, please I hope Nemo shows up next Saturday.

In the meantime, we planned/unplanned for a Baguio wedding, now we wait for Sat to know what we're doing next in that department. It matters less than the little seed inside of me right now. I have decided that this is the man I will love forever. Ups, Downs and Sideways included. It is a choice, love is always a choice. And I choose.

Now I'm just trying not to stress or be scared. After what happened to peanut, I should be FREAKING OUT but I'm strangely calm. I know in my heart that I have given and will continue to give what it takes for this baby to grow and come out into this beautiful world, there will absolutely be no regrets. It is the year of the dragon, 2012 and it is time to resolve.